Friday, October 3, 2014

Protect Maui Farmers From GMO Poisoning

Shaka Movement

"The people of Hawaii are in the fight of our lives... a fight for our lives. We need the world's help. We need YOUR help. Major Agro Chemical companies have quietly turned Maui County into ground zero for GMO's - the largest open-air, experimental chemical and genetics test site in the world. Everything is being exposed to unknown and unregulated chemical combinations, as well as new life forms that have never before existed on the planet. It's clear our lands and reefs are being poisoned. The people, our visitors and our fragile environment are getting sick. We are doing everything we can to protect ourselves but the huge chemical companies are spending millions to influence the voters their way. They are relentless with their misinformation campaign and are saturating our community with propaganda. We need financial support. We need you to donate generously. We need your friends and family too, to support our campaign and all our efforts to educate our community. Thank you for your help. Thank you for acting now." End of excerpt.

Without their money these companies are nothing. If science were on their side they wouldn't need to throw it around and they know it. We know the truth as well.

Protect your Earth... SAY NO TO THIS POISONOUS BOMBARDMENT of our beautiful lands!

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